May 8, 2013

Is Mitt Romney The Father of Gay Marriage? Twenty-Four Reasons Why He Is

By Rino Hunter

As Mitt Romney prepares for his second presidential campaign and gay marriage threatens to undermine America’s Judeo-Christian culture, there’s a raging debate about the role he played in instituting gay marriage in Massachusetts during his gubernatorial term. This is important because Governor Romney has positioned himself as a champion of traditional values and claims to have been an opponent of homosexual marriage his entire career.

When the Massachusetts Supreme Court issued a decision in favor of homosexual marriage, — the Goodridge case — Romney unilaterally ordered his state agencies to implement homosexual marriage in Massachusetts. The court did not order him to do this nor had the legislature codified this ruling.  Combined with a promise by President Obama to repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act, this action by Romney has led significantly contributed to the spread of homosexual marriage nationwide.

Make no mistake; Romney’s action was utterly illegal.  In four different parts of the Massachusetts Constitution, it is clearly stated that only the legislature can change laws and one section specifically states that the marriage statutes are determined by the legislature, not by the courts.  Even the Supreme Court itself stated that it could not order the legislature to act.  All Romney had to do was to declare the court had no authority to enforce its unconstitutional opinion and ignore its decision.

But instead of doing that, Romney abruptly claimed the court opinion was now the law of the land and ordered his Town Clerks and Justices of the Peace to marry homosexuals — even though the legislature never acted to codify the ruling.  Indeed, according to a Fox News/AP story, the attorney for the homosexual plaintiffs in Goodridge, held the view that the legislature would have to codify the Goodridge ruling:

Attorney Mary Bonauto, who represented the plaintiffs, said the only task assigned to the       Legislature is to come up with  changes in the law that will allow gay couples to marry. (1)

Thus, Romney violated his oath to uphold the state constitution.  Indeed, while there have been numerous attempts by the legislature to codify homosexual marriage SINCE the Goodridge decision, the original marriage statutes remain unchanged. (2). The flatly illegal charade of “gay” marriage exists solely in Massachusetts due to Governor Romney’s illegal actions.  By ordering Town Clerks to participate in the solemnization of illegal marriages, it is clear Romney violated the state constitution. (3)

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