24) Throughout Romney’s administration there was a massive push to promote homosexual marriage. This was common knowledge in Massachusetts. Romney funded programs such as the “Safe Schools” program and The “Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth” for the purpose of indoctrinating youth with pro-homosexual propaganda. Much of this propaganda had to do with promoting, as the gays call it, “marriage equality.” This propaganda was in the form of literature, speakers, parades, “Gay Pride Days,” dances, etc, and was carried out by Romney’s Departments of Education, Public Health, and Social Services. Indeed, the evidence is clear that Romney, more than perhaps any other Governor is history, used his administration to extensively promote the gay lifestyle and gay marriage. (55)
1) Fox News/AP, 11/18/03, http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,103399,00.html
2) Here is the actual Legislative info on a 2007 attempt to codify homosexual marriage: http://www.mass.gov/legis/bills/house/185/ht01/ht01710.htm
3) For a summary of the great damage Romney did by instituting homosexual marriage, see here: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/marriage/effects_of_ssm.html. For more details on the Goodridge decision and how Romney illegally imposed homosexual marriage on Massachusetts, see here: http://massresistance.org/docs/marriage/romney/ For a detailed timeline of how Romney betrayed the pro family movement regarding homosexual marriage, see here: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/marriage/romney/timeline.html This timeline was authored by MassResistance staff member Amy Contrada.
4) To see the full text of the letter sent by 44 pro-family leaders to Romney, see here: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/marriage/romney/dec_letter/letter.pdf
5) This is from a 11/23/06 email circulated among a small number of Dobson advisors, including former Secretary of Energy Don Hodel, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, Current FOTF leader Jim Daly, and FOTC administrator Tom Minnery. Email is in possession of the author.
6) New York Times, 9/8/2007, http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/08/us/politics/08romney.html
7) New York Times, 12/9/06, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/09/us/politics/09romney.html One can find the actual letter here: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/marriage/romney/record/RomneyLogCabinLetter.pdf
8) The poster can be viewed here: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/marriage/romney/record/
9) Bay Windows, 3/3/05, http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=columnists&sc=the_romney_files&sc3=&id=53674
10) Bay Windows, 3/28/02, http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=columnists&sc=the_romney_files&sc2=&sc3=&id=53685
11) The letter can be found at http://massresistance.blogspot.com/2007/12/romneys-2004-letter-part-ii_19.html
12) Ibid.
13) Associated Press, 4/25/04, http://www.gaypasg.org/gaypasg/PressClippings/2004/April%202004/justices_of_the_peace_warned_not.htm
14) This is a statement given to the author by MassResistance leader Brian Camenker.
15) State House press conference, 6/15/2005, www.massresistance.org/docs/marriage/romney/press_conf_061605.html
16) Boston Herald, 6/16/07
17) Bay Windows, 11/21/2006, http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=columnists&sc=the_romney_files&sc2=&sc3=&id=53673
18) October 15, 2006 speech on marriage, http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mittromneyliberty.htm
19) Boston Phoenix, 5/14-20/04 www.bostonphoenix.com/boston/news_features/other_stories/multipage/documents/03827930.asp Bay Windows, 1/1/02, http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=columnists&sc=the_romney_files&sc2=&sc3=&id=53686
20) Los Angeles Times, 3/25/07, http://articles.latimes.com/2007/mar/25/nation/na-romney25
21) Boston Globe, 3/30/04, http://www.boston.com/news/specials/gay_marriage/articles/2004/03/30/in_crucial_shift_governor_sways_15_in_gop_to_support_measure/; The homosexual legal group, GLAD, has filed suit against states with Civil Unions claiming that the two-tier system of civil unions and traditional marriages violated the equal protection clause of the US Constitution. See here for more info: http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=news&sc=glbt&sc2=news&sc3=&id=112674
22) State House press conference, 6/15/05; See also: WorldNetDaily, 04/12/05, http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=29792
23) Letter by Michael Carl, dated 11/15/2007, in possession of the author.
24) Bay Windows, 2/26/08, http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=columnists&sc=the_romney_files&sc3=&id=53674; Boston Globe, 9/22/04, www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-785731.html; Bay Windows, 10/7/04, http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=news&sc=glbt&sc2=news&sc3=&id=56662
25) Wikepedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_Anderson; The Sunday Times, 4/21/08, http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/relationships/article3764024.ece; To see the commercial Romney made for Anderson, go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuFe9_BCvXY Anderson also appeared in the film The Mormon Proposition, an attack on those fighting to preserve traditional marriage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGVU53gEss0
26) Daily News Tribune, 8/9/06. You can read the story here: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen/07c/romney_dss.html
27) Boston Globe, 1/2/06, The article can be found here: http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/boston/access/953500101.html?FMT=ABS&date=Jan+2%2C+2006
28) Conservative News Service, 5/27/09
29) Boston Globe, 7/25/2005, go here for story: http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-7920317.html
30) U.S. Senate testimony by Gov. Mitt Romney, 6/22/2004
31) Go to their web site: http://www.masslgbtqbar.org/pages/Whatdo.php
32) MassResistance blog, 9/28/10, http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen/10c/winslow/index.html
33) The Alliance Defense Fund attorney admitted this in the course of a three hour conference call with a group of pro-family leaders. A memo summarizing this call is in possession of the author.
34) The group letter can be found here:
35) Boston Globe, 3/2/06; State House press conference, 6/15/05
36) Associated Press, 6/6/07, you can view the story here:
37) www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2006/03/14/romney_shifts_tone_on_gay_adoption;
Associated Press, 3/16/2006, www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2006/03/16/romney_files_religious_freedom_bill_on_church_and_gay_adoption/
Boston Globe, 2/17/06, www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2006/02/17/bishops_dealt_setback_in_pursuit_of_gay_adoption_exemption/
Boston Globe, 3/2/06,
Boston Herald, 3/11/06,
CJ Doyle of the Catholic Action League talks about this controversy. Go to the 3/25/06 audio file which can be found here: http://massresistance.org/media/MR_show/index.html
Deal Hudson blog, January, 2008, http://dealwhudson.typepad.com/deal_w_hudson/2008/01/some-questions.html
Bay Windows, 3/23/06
38) MassResistance blog, 12/08/07, http://massresistance.blogspot.com/2007/12/rhode-island-gets-it-laws-are- passed-by.html?zx=667473c5666a2721. This blog is written by MassResistance staff member Amy Contrada. Boston Globe, 9/1/06, http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2006/10/01/romney_says_he_must_obey_law_on_marriage_for_out_of_state_gay_couples/
40) You can read all about the Parker case here: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/parker/;Here’s a small sampling of other stories about parents whose rights have been violated: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/parker/montalvo.html
41) Los Angeles Times, 3/25/07, http://articles.latimes.com/2007/mar/25/nation/na-romney25; See this Log Cabin web site: http://www.lcrga.com/news/200211251803.shtml; Metro Weekly, 3/18/04, http://www.metroweekly.com/news/?ak=914; Go here for info on Patrick Guerriero and the Gill Foundation: http://massresistance.blogspot.com/2006/08/who-is-patrick-guerriero.html?zx=a79174c8ac274f6a; Bay Windows, 10/24/02, http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=columnists&sc=the_romney_files&sc2=&sc3=&id=53677
42) Bay Windows, 3/3/05, http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=columnists&sc=the_romney_files&sc2=&sc3=&id=53674; Bay Windows, 8/25/94, http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=columnists&sc=the_romney_files&sc3=&id=53688
43) Meet the Press, 12/16/07, read it here: http://www.christianpost.com/news/pro-gay-romney-upsets-family-values-leader-30684/
44) ENDA and the Path to Same-Sex Marriage, 9/18/09, Backgrounder #2317, www.heritage.org/Research/religion/bg2317.cfm
45) www.mass.gov/Eeohhs2/docs/dph/vital_records/medcerts.pdf
46) Bay Windows reported this in May of 2003 but the story is no longer accessible. Go here to read the story: http://www.childrensaidsfund.org/resources/upd0425.htm Also, see this 2008 clinical Advisory put out by
DPH five years later; little has changed: http://www.mass.gov/Eeohhs2/docs/dph/cdc/std/clinical_advisory_std_rise.pdf
47) This is the website for Commonwealth Care: https://www.mahealthconnector.org/portal/site/connector/
48) Bay Windows, 12/6/06, http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=columnists&sc=the_romney_files&sc2=&sc3=&id=53670
49) OneNewsNow.com (Focus on the Family) via NewsBull.com, 3/20/07, http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/email-a-friend/romney-supports-tolerance-for-gays-but-not-public-servants-who-speak-agains/
50) Ibid
51) State House press conference, 6/15/05,
52) This was from a Oct 15, 2006 speech, titled “Defending our First Freedom.” Boston, MA
53) Boston Globe, 3/11/04, http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/boston-sub/access/575300191.html?FMT=ABS&date=Mar+11%2C+2004
54) Bay Windows, 8/25/94, http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=columnists&sc=the_romney_files&sc3=&id=53688
55) There are two books about Romney’s aggressive role in promoting the hommosexual agenda while Governor. One book by Amy Contrada, MITT ROMNEY’S DECEPTION: His Stealth Promotion of “Gay Rights” and “Gay Marriage” in Massachusetts is soley focused on Romney’s intense involvement with the homosexual issue. This book does into great detail about Romney’s role in instituting homosexual marraige in Massachusetts and his tireless effort to promote the homosexual agenda to school children. A kindle version can be purchased here:
Another forthcoming book by Jerry Corsi will cover Romney’s entire policy history, from fiscal to social issues. Many people don’t relize that Romney’s fiscal agenda was also liberal and that he destroyed job creation in Massachusetts while Governor. This book will be published by WorldNetDaily.com
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