2005. Romney forced Catholic hospitals to distribute the abortion pill. In 2005, the Massachusetts legislature passed a bill requiring all hospitals to provide women with the abortion pill. Even though Romney had campaigned on expanding access to the abortion pill, he vetoed this measure. This action has become a fixture in pro-Romney propaganda “proving” that he fought for pro-lifers while Governor. What the Romney forces don’t mention, however, is that Romney reversed himself on this issue a few days later! The legislature, as expected, overrode the veto, but incredibly, Romney, after previously opposing the bill, then announced, ”I think, in my personal view, it’s the right thing for [private] hospitals to provide information and access to emergency contraception to anyone who is a victim of rape.” By not fighting for the rights of private Catholic hospitals, Romney created a horrible precedent of allowing government to strip away the religious liberties of private institutions. (5)
2005- 2007. Romney belonged to a pro-stem-cell research GOP group. Romney belonged to the Republican Main Street Partnership, a group supported by George Soros that made stem-cell research its most important issue. Its web site listed Romney as a gubernatorial member during the 109th Congress that ended in 2007. Wikipedia describes the group as being allied “with other moderate Republican groups, including Christine Todd Whitman’s It’s My Party Too, Ann Stone’s Republicans for Choice, the Log Cabin Republicans, the Republican Majority For Choice…” . In 2005, the group was instrumental in passing the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act in the House of Representatives, a bill that Romney publicly SUPPORTED even though he now claims to oppose it. (6)
2005 -2007. Romney appointed pro-abortion judges to the bench. The Boston Globe reviewed Romney’s judicial nominations and found that Romney “passed over GOP lawyers for three-quarters of the 36 judicial vacancies he has faced, instead tapping registered Democrats or independents – including two gay lawyers who have supported expanded same-sex rights.” Given the fact that the Democrat Party in Massachusetts is extremely pro-abortion, we can assume most of the Democrats whom Romney nominated to the bench were pro-abortion. Many of the appointments occurred after Romney’s “conversion,” including that of Stephen Abany, a far-Left Democrat homosexual activist nominated in 2005. Another example would be the nomination of liberal pro-abortion Democrat Matthew Nestor to a lifetime seat on the Somerville District court. Even ABC described Nestor as “an avowed supporter of abortion rights.” (7)